Three things you need to stop doing when becoming an engineering manager

You are a great software engineer with years of experience under your belt. You've seen too many technologies come and go to easily fall for the next hyped framework. You choose the tools which get the job done and have a good chance to keep working for the years to come. Despite growing experience, your … Continue reading Three things you need to stop doing when becoming an engineering manager

Knife EC2: Manage Amazon EC2 Instances With Chef

Chef enables you to automate your infrastructure. It provides a command line tool called knife to help you manage your configurations. Using the knife EC2 plugin you can manage your Amazon EC2 instances with Chef. knife EC2 makes it possible to create and bootstrap Amazon EC2 instances in just one line - if you go … Continue reading Knife EC2: Manage Amazon EC2 Instances With Chef

Kanban vs Scrum vs Agile

When inflexible and wasteful software development processes are making your organization inefficient, it's time to introduce an agile methodology. Kanban vs Scrum then becomes an essential question: Which agile software development methodology is better suited for my own situation? And is Kanban agile? What about Scrum vs agile? Confusion is spreading... Let's have a look … Continue reading Kanban vs Scrum vs Agile

How Value Stream Mapping can speed up your cycle time from years to weeks

When switching on the oxygen pumps, there was an explosion on board of the Apollo 13 space craft. A short circuit in a small module led to an explosion rendering most of the space craft useless. For days, the crew frantically worked in cramped quarters trying to return to Earth. Tensions ran high, but, instead … Continue reading How Value Stream Mapping can speed up your cycle time from years to weeks